Native Instruments new plug-in, Scarbee Jay Bass, aims to provide an authentic rendition of the legendary Fender Jazz Bass. The slides are based on three sets of recorded slide samples. Powered by the free Kontakt Player (which is based on the Kontakt 4 software sampler), Jay Bass includes both slapped and fingered styles of bass playing. Scarbee MM-Bass 36 10.11 Help For quick reference you can find documentation for articulations & playing techniques, settings and the script UI directly in the performance view. To be fair, bass libraries with less focus on having the full strings sampled but that are still sampled in detail tend to be strong in other areas instead. Select a help topic from the menu and a help text appears to the left. Scarbee MM-Bass 37 11 Differences Between MM-Bass, Pre-Bass, and Red Bass Pre-Bass MM. When used in DAWs, the Tab Player also allows users to export the tablature as an audio file. The Tab Player supports all the fingering, looping, chords, articulations and other markers in the loaded tablature.

Supported articulations include: Strum, Natural Harmonic, Artificial Harmonic, Hammer On/Pull Off, Trill, Bend, Tremolo Bar, Legato Slide, Slide In, Slide Out, Vibrato, Tremolo Picking, Palm Mute, Slapping, Popping, Tapping, Let Ring, Staccato, Dead Note, Grace Note, Ghost Note, Accentuated Note, Fade In, etc.Īs a built-in function, the Tab Player works seamlessly with the Ample Sound instrument engine, which has extremely customized guitar playing logic so as to model a real world guitar being played. The Tab Player can even judge on its own to automatically add some refining articulations when it thinks it is appropriate, such as slapping on strings or body, or other realistic and indispensable noises.I've been using the Kontakt Scarbee basses for a while and I just can't seem to get the tone I want. I'm curious if any of you have both Trillian and Scarbee and can comment on their differences. I've spent an awful lot of time with each library (Scarbee Red and Blue, and also Trilian) and if I had to choose (luckily I don't have to) I'd go with Scarbee. Trilian basses still tend to have some of that overprocessed sound which plagued much of Trilogy and it's tough or impossible to remove if you feel that it needs to be. With Scarbee, I can add just a touch of Massey Tape-Head or some other good distortion, along with a little compression, and they really sit nicely. Native Instruments bringt gerade das Scarbee Jay-Bass Sample Paket heraus, die 2,3 GB grosse Sampling Libary weiss klangtechnisch und auch spieltechnisch zu begeistern. Older "Red" samples were 16 bit (I believe) and a little too soft I thought.

They just didn't slice through with that nice resonance that real basses and good preamps have. I do like Trilian's "Studio Bridge" quite a bit, and the Vintage is great for vintage.